Macne Nana Website Updated & Macne Nana V4 Design Illustration Uploaded!

Today, the website has been updated with a new image and statement saying that Macne Nana V4 will be released soon. The image is the design for Macne Nana V4 and Macne Nana Petite, illustrated by Akatsuki Gomoku. They also mentioned that Macne Nana V4’s software launching process is currently underway and will be announced soon.

As usual, we will deliver you another update as soon as the exact release date for Macne Nana V4 has been revealed. Stay tuned on VNN!

Macne Nana V4’s & Macne Nana Petite’s design. Illustrated by Akatsuki Gomoku.

More Information

Macne Nana V4 Official Website (Japanese)

You can also check our previous articles about Macne Nana V4:

Macne Nana Teaser Launched

Second Card Revealed on Macne Teaser Website!

Final Macne Nana Teaser Website Card Revealed!

Macne Nana V4 Announced!

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