Luo Tianyi Announced Collaboration with Mobile Game”怪物x联盟2″

Luo Tianyi’s official Weibo announced a collaboration with the RPG mobile game “怪物x联盟2“! Luo Tianyi will be the “leading trainer”, helping players by guiding them in the game world. On top of that, there will be Tianyi themed items and her outfit in the game.

The game is now available for iOS devices. Fans may download the game by scanning the QR code in the poster below or download it from 怪物x联盟2’s official website.

Tianyi appears in the promotion video wearing her performance outfit, introducing the game features and mentioning that she will be singing the theme song for the game. According to the promotion video, featuring Tianyi in the game is the main promotional strategy, so we can expect this will be a long term collaboration.

The promotional video is voiced by ShanXin (Tianyi’s voice provider). It is not tuned using Luo Tianyi’s voice bank.

The game’s theme song featuring Luo Tianyi will be released on October 18th.

This is not Tianyi’s first collaboration with games, so let’s hope she can bring even more special gaming experiences to the fans.

About Louis

中文V厨+无节操博爱党,是个话唠 Chinese VOCALOIDs = main babies, but I just love everyone in this VOCALOID world.