Facio Provides Free VSQX Project Files for Download!

VOCALOID tuning has always been the core of a VOCALOID song, and to become skilled at VOCALOID tuning requires a lot of practice. Now, everyone may download Xin Hua’s VSQX for learning purposes on Xin Hua’s official website for free!

We provide free VSQX project files on our website. Now anyone who is interested in tuning may learn and improve from imitating !! (Do not use it for commercial purposes)

BY Facio

VSQX provided by Facio includes:

  1. 魔法城堡 (Magical Castle) by 小捲
  2. System Audio Series by Kurikoyoyo幫尼惟(ゆい), & 鳴櫻
    • Talk-loid including a short ringtone and notification alarm.

As long as those VSQX are not used for commercial purpose or being claimed as your own, you may go to Xin Hua’s official website and click on the pink “下载点” (download) to enter the download page in cloud storage.

About Louis

中文V厨+无节操博爱党,是个话唠 Chinese VOCALOIDs = main babies, but I just love everyone in this VOCALOID world.